Book presentation “The Dynamics of Learning in Early Modern Italy” by David Lines



Book presentation organized by the Seminar für Italianistik

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Thema: David Lines-Book presentation “The Dynamics of Learning in Early Modern Italy”
Zeit: 11.Apr. 2024 05:30 PM Zürich

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Meeting-ID: 688 1616 5209
Kenncode: 806309

Nella luca della mente. Giornata in ricordo di Anna Laura Puliafito

Nella luce della mente

Giornata in ricordo di Anna Laura Puliafito

organizzata dal Seminar für Italianistik

Interventi di:
Johannes Bartuschat (Universität Zurich)
Gabriele Bucchi (Universität Basel)
Marie Dominique Couzinet (Université Paris I- Pantheon Sorbonne)
Jorge Ledo Martinez (Universidade da Coruña)
David Lines (University of Warwick)
Susanna Gambino Longo (Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3)

Ricordi di familiari, amici, colleghi e allievi

programma completo su


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Thema: Giornata in ricordo di Anna Laura Puliafito
Zeit: 12.Apr. 2024 09:00 AM Zürich

Beitreten Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 633 1971 7439
Kenncode: 521980


Forgery, Fraud, Mystification. A Perspective on Italian Renaissance Literature and Art


The international workshop aims at being, both, a meeting point to examine the procedures underlying the material falsification of art and literary works, and an opportunity to share, discuss and find new approaches to thoroughly study the influence that forgeries and similar practices exercised on the Renaissance culture, with special focus on the Italian context.
The interdisciplinary approach of the workshop also envisages extending the analysis to the cases of fakes studied by art historians, with the aim of investigating substantial issues relating to the production, circulation and fortune of fake works of art in the Italian Renaissance. Overall, the workshop will be designed according to a multidisciplinary perspective and will provide an important opportunity for dialogue between expert scholars and young researchers.

Data: 06.-07.05.2021
Luogo: online. Link a seguire.
Organizza/no: Cattedra di Letteratura Italiana (Jonathan Schiesaro, Marco Nava e Dr. Sara Ferrilli)
Per informazioni:

Call for papers: Nuove prospettive sull’intertestualità e sugli studi della ricezione. Il Rinascimento italiano

La giornata di studi si svolgerà l’11 e il 12 marzo 2021 all’Università di Losanna.

Comitato scientifico: Simone Albonico, Gabriele Bucchi, Uberto Motta, Franco Tomasi, Marta Fumi, Amelia Juri, Natalia Proserpi, Edoardo Simonato

Deadline: 4 ottobre 2020